Sunday, 3 July 2022

Retail eCommerce Ventures Review

Tai Lopez and Alex Mehr recently started an investment firm called Retail Ecommerce Ventures and its goal would be to convert distressed iconic retail brands into e-commerce businesses.

You probably know Tai Lopez from his online program and ads. Alex on another hand is best noted for co-founding a dating site called Zoosk.

In the event that you want to learn more concerning this venture, then you definitely have come to the best place because we will be going for a closer look at how it works and whether it's a legit venture.

What Is Retail eCommerce Ventures?

Retail eCommerce Ventures is definitely an investment fund to transform famous distressed retail brands into eCommerce stores.

The investment fund has multiple names: Tai Lopez Capital, Retail Ecommerce Ventures , and Schweitzer Alexander.

The investment fund was created in 2019 to supply accredited investors the chance to earn passive income by partnering with Tai Lopez.

Retail eCommerce Ventures have acquired the name of several famous retail brands including Peir1, Dressbarn, Linens-N-Things, and more.

The fund claims to provide a 15% annual return on the very least investment of $500,000.

However, the fund requires investors to put up their position for at least 5 years.

The fund investment strategy is misleading. Retail eCommerce Ventures do not acquire distressed retail brands. It really purchases the “Name” of the well-known retail brands.

For instance, Pier1 was a retail company with numerous brick-and-mortar stores. Retail eCommerce Ventures bought the name (Pier1) to launch an on line store.

The fund uses your investment to buy the name, the intellectual property, nothing real assets.

Retail eCommerce Ventures is betting that people buy products online since they're familiar with these famous retail brands.

The business enterprise strategy appears to contradict the market trend which indicates consumers purchase online for convenience.

This investment is high risk because Tai Lopez uses your cash to bet on the names that may have been worth nothing.

How Does Retail Ecommerce Ventures Work?

REV gives you a platform to buy well-known distressed retail brands as they turn into e-commerce stores. The fund enables you to co-invest in a number of brands at once.

Since Tai and Alex Mehr launched Retail Ecommerce Ventures , they have been busy acquiring distressed brick and Mortar brands in the retail space and converting them into ecommerce brands.

The company buys brands that resonate with consumers, a few of which were around for 100 years. Their goal is to produce awareness by internationally building off of the existing strength in name recognition.

The company's mission is “scaling ethical companies: moving the needle for both our investors and the entire world at large.”

For instance, they made headlines when they announced the purchase of certain Radio Shack brands and related assets in late 2020. Radio Shack, 's been around for 100 years.

Retail Ecommerce Ventures then announced that its subsidiary had won a bankruptcy court auction for intellectual property belonging to Stein Mart.

When Stein Mart filed for bankruptcy protection, Retail Ecommerce Ventures 'new majority-owned subsidiary, Stein Mart Online Inc, submitted a winning bid of $6 million that has been approved by the Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division.

REV's plan was to re-launch it as an online-only store. The subsidiary now owns the Stein Mart nameplate, social networking assets, domain names, private label brands, and customer data from an IP advisory firm called Hilco Streambank that has been marketing the assets.

Retail Ecommerce Ventures also bought UK-based luxury brand Ralph & Russo. It is noted for its leather goods, sunglasses, accessories, and ready-to-wear items. The globally celebrated brand was hit hard by the economic crisis of 2020.

Tai went because of it while he felt that it's in a distinctive position in the luxury sector with significant brand affinity. He wants to tap the massive potential that the Russo brand possesses and leverage its market leading position in luxury design.

Other brands Tai and Alex have invested in are Pier1, Dressbarn, Linens N Things, Modell's Sporting Goods, Franklin Mint, MentorBox, FarmersCart, The Book People, ESR, and Knowledge Society.

In addition to those, they plan to get more private deals all year where it will undoubtedly be like you're co-investing in those retail ecommerce ventures.

Final Reviews Of Retail eCommerce Ventures

You need to be very brave to offer $500,000 to Lopez and Mehr.

When investing for profits, brave or ego is not just a factor in my decision.

I'm not saying Lopez and Retail eCommerce Venture are scams.

But this is a bad investment. The business enterprise strategy and execution are lousy.

Retail eCommerce Ventures is really a direct competitor of giant trusted online retailers Amazon and Walmart.

Lopez bets on distressed retail brands to win the war of online eCommerce.

However, the winning strategy for trusted online retailers is the capability to fulfill orders quickly and customer satisfaction. Retail eCommerce Ventures is horrible at this Read Full Article Here.

I hope you can see Retail eCommerce Ventures is simply a publicity stunt. This is not an excellent passive income opportunity.

There are better passive income opportunities that generate lucrative profits.

I am aware you're here to read my review of Retail eCommerce Ventures.

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Retail eCommerce Ventures Review

Tai Lopez and Alex Mehr recently started an investment firm called  Retail Ecommerce Ventures  and its goal would be to convert distressed i...